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What changes does Windows 10 generate for testers?

Written by François Joseph Viallon | Sep 7, 2015 10:06:09 AM

As with every release of a new operating system, Windows 10 brings its share of new features and changes. What is the impact on testers’ and developers’ working methods? What are the new uses for users? StarDust did an overview of Windows 10.

What are the main new features of Windows 10?

Among the new features of Windows 10, we find:

  • Edge browser, previously called "Project Spartan", aimed at replacing Internet Explorer
  • Voice assistant, Cortana, for the user which is Microsoft’s response to Apple’s Siri
  • The return of the Start menu which had disappeared in Windows 8. It's a combination of the Start menu and the Windows Metro interface. Interface and features seem efficient.
  • Windows Store highlighted in the Start menu.

The software is strewn with many key improvements like, for example, Microsoft’s native photo player that has improved greatly.

The Windows 10 interface is more harmonious than Windows 8 and gives the feeling that Windows 8 was only the rough draft for Windows 10.

What does Windows 10 mobile promise?

For now, nothing can be said because the mobile OS doesn’t come out until October or November. Upon its release, it will be interesting to see the practicality of Windows 10 mobile for the end user: a unified use, fluid and easy between devices.

Indeed, Microsoft chose to build a unified system between all the devices (desktop, tablet and smartphone), unlike Apple that has two distinct OS (Mac OSX for desktop and iOS for tablets and smartphones) and creates bridges between the two.

How can developers start testing?

Developers must develop for Windows 10 as soon as possible; integrated emulators in the development kits allow for testing interfaces on different screen types. Moreover, the Technical Preview version of Windows 10 mobile (accessible with developers accounts) lets application testing on physical mobile terminals begin.

The developers will (theoretically) only develop one application that functions on all screens, which is a premiere in a world where fragmentation is required and growing exponentially. However, it won’t be until the release of Windows 10 mobile that the promises made to developers can really be measured. We will see if, from a testing point of view, adjustments will still be made

As a tester, what do you think of Windows 10?

The Windows 10 platform should not be neglected in the test phases and should now be taken into account: Windows 10 had a very important start with 75 million installations in a month. It’s one of the best launches of new Microsoft OS, thanks to the fact that the update is free (for a year).

Two main types of tests are to be done on Windows 10:

  • Website tests on the new browser Edge and under different configurations
  • OS tests on native applications, present in the Microsoft Store and accessible from the Start menu

The presence of the Store directly in the Start menu has a consequent impact on downloading applications: Windows 10 users download 6 times more applications than Windows 8 (source). Application development in the Store will logically increase, especially since the Windows 8 store provided very few compared to the mobile Store. Therefore, application development should be more coherent on Windows 10.

The main point of attention in the application testing will be ergonomics on the two mobile interfaces and desktop. Of course, one development will be necessary, and therefore save developers’ time, but interface adaptations will be necessary.

What can you say about Edge, the new Microsoft browser?

In practice, a developer must necessarily test their website on the main browsers. Windows 10 installation is well underway, Edge should be tested as well as Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari.

Edge is a real evolution compared to Internet Explorer, Microsoft’s old navigator. The latter offered a more conservative approach to ensure compatibility with older websites. On the contrary, Edge is partial to the latest technology and is on par with competing browsers in terms of technology and performance.

Obviously, this is the first version and many changes are to be expected. The extensions are not yet available on Edge, which prevents the subscription of most "Geek" users.

After the initial tests, Edge proved to be among the fastest browsers if not the fastest. A noted exclusivity of Edge: the possibility of making annotations or drawings on websites by saving it in OneNote, the Microsoft note-making software.

What appear to be the limits and advantages of Windows 10?

For now the main disadvantage is Edge’s novelty, which may lead to incompatibilities with certain websites that have not yet been adapted to this browser. But it’s only a matter of time, it will return to normal gradually.

On the other hand, the unification of systems is a real advantage offered by Windows 10, which will encourage Microsoft user loyalty thanks to a unified experience.