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Common bugs in a product launch

Common bugs in a product launch

You only have one chance to make a good first impression

New applications, web applications and websites roll out every day. The user is surrounded by the possibilities, the products to be tested and the latest games to try out.

So, as soon as you launch your product on the market, you must face two major challenges:

  1. get your potential users to notice and try out your product
  2. convert the most curious into satisfied and regular users

If the latter are not convinced by your product, even if you have an ultra efficient campaign launch and no appointments for membership, your efforts will have unfortunately been in vain.

Keep the product's promise of value while providing the most enjoyable user experience possible; avoid user frustration, bad grades, a degraded brand image and even potential revenue losses.

The determining factor that will help you make your users happy? Your product’s test phases

The most common issues

  • Issues with the purchase phase: the operation of your purchasing process, your payment solutions, validation of promotional voucher codes ...
  • Issues with the UI / UX: the display and content consistency, design and ergonomics of your product...
  • Navigation issues: is navigation between pages of the website easy and intuitive?
  • Translation issues: translating content, the presence of special characters and linguistic specificities, texts of different lengths in different languages that no longer correspond to the size of their container...
  • Log in and registration issues: the functioning of the registration form, confirmation emails via Facebook, Twitter ...

How to avoid them?

To assure performance and optimal quality and avoid the usual pitfalls, the implementation of test phases is essential. Points to question before launching the product?

  • Review all the operations of the digital product and list the risky items for its success
  • Imagine visiting scenarios that are most often performed by users as well as those that are essential to your ROI
  • What are the settings (smartphone + OS version) and browsers most used by your targets?
  • What will the future developments of your product be?
  • Has the test phase been planned well in advance to have time to fix all the bugs detected and respect the deadline to put the product into production?

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